education is surely one of the most practical solutions for most Nigerian
youths that can help them not only build their career, but also to rise beyond
poverty and help their communities prosper. However, due to lack of sufficient
world-class education opportunities in Nigeria, more and more students are now
going abroad, especially the UK, to earn accredited degrees. Although UK
education might prove beneficial for the students, the fact remains they are
investing huge amounts of money on expensive degrees abroad, instead of investing
it in Nigeria. Let’s have a look.....
Are Nigerian Students Ignoring
Nigeria’s Development?
to Ben TV International and the African-British Returnees International,
Nigerians who reside in the UK spend around “£300 million annually on British education.” The experts believe that if the money is invested in education in
Nigeria, then it could make a huge difference to their home country. Moreover,
they also pointed out that currently over 2.5 million Nigerians are residing in
the United Kingdom, who could have made substantial contributions to the socio-economic
development of the nation only if these Nigerians lived back at home and used
their professional expertise for improving their communities.
Alabi, Head at BEN TV News UK, apart from the spending around £300 million
yearly on UK education, Nigerians in the UK are annually investing large
amounts in pound sterling on rents and properties, stating that these
individuals contribute greatly to the British economy. He commented that there
“are a good number of Nigerians living in the UK. They are doing well in their
callings, especially in healthcare, education and banking among others. In the
British universities, there are Nigerians, who are heads of departments, deans
of faculties and professors. They are doing well.”
the question I want to ask here is why are these Nigerian students and
professionals moving out of their homes and going abroad? The answer is
simple...Nigeria is unable to provide world-class education and sufficient
employment opportunities to its youth.
Is Nigeria Forcing Students To Study
further said that currently over 200 Nigerian lecturers are employed in this
Southeast Asian country. Ringim added “There are about 200 Nigerian lecturers
in Malaysia. It’s a good thing that we’re leveraging on learning and teaching.”
But he believes that the Nigerian government is taking steps to offer better
educational opportunities back at home and to prevent the emigration of
students. He said, “The present government is trying to restore the glory of
education. Things are being streamlined while better funding and other positive
steps are being taken. We’ve lost a lot of ground but government is determined
to reverse the trend.”
Being an educationist, I admit that UK education is certainly among the best in the world and a degree from a UK university can certainly make you eligible for the best employment opportunities around the world. But is it necessary for Nigerians to invest such huge amounts of money in the United Kingdom and add to the British economy?
me the answer is a hard no. There is no denying that the Nigerian education
system is severely flawed at present and it might take several years for the
government to offer top-notch learning facilities to the students. But there
are still many ways through which you can earn an accredited UK degree without
leaving Nigeria or investing heavily in the UK. I think one of the best ways to
do this is through online study UK.
A Better Solution

A Final Word
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